CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-14

CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-14

The data set contains simultaneous recordings from 4 rats in the dorsal hippocampus and amygdala (including BLA, CeN and neighboring nuclei and structures such as piriform cortex.) during sleep and behavior. Histological reconstructions are provided as maps with corresponding structure for each electrode shank (8-shank Neuronexus silicon probes) and recording day. The behavior consists of running on a linear track for water rewards. In one location and one direction, an aversive airpuff is delivered. The location and direction change everyday in a pseudo-random manner. Each session consists of a track training session preceded and followed by sleep and rest in the homecage. At the beginning and end of each daily recording, a test is recorded with the animal running a few laps on the track without airpuff. This dataset contains: – Filtered LFP files at 1250Hz (134 or 166 channels) – Sorted Spike information as given by the Neuroscope suite, KlustaKwik followed by manual sorting. – Videos (tracking by LED on the animal’s head) and position files. – Events for ripples, airpuffs and rewards in the Neuroscope format (.evt) – xml files for channel ordering and descriptions. The data is organized in folders per animal and session (1 session/day). A set of analysis and thorough description of the dataset and methods are described in: G. Girardeau, I. Inema, G. Buzsaki. Reactivations of emotional memory in the hippocampus-amygdala system during sleep. Nature Neuroscience (2017) doi: 10.1038/nn.4637.




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