Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology

Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology



Journals refer to scholarly publications that are the primary means to share scientific findings, methodologies, and analyses with the scientific community. They serve as platforms for peer-reviewed research, ensuring that the studies they publish have been critically evaluated by experts in the field for their methodology, accuracy, and contribution to existing knowledge. Journals is a shared model across users in BrainSTEM.

Submission goes through approval process

Anyone can submit a new journal or submit changes to an existing journal, but all submissions must be approved before they become available for usage.

Journal fields

  • Name: The name of the Journal (required).
  • Description: Description of the Journal.
  • Website: Website of the Journal.


Once a journal has been approved it becomes available to everyone.

Journal API Access

The API allows for programmable access to Actions, enabling you to read, edit, and delete actions through the API. For details about the action's fields and data structure, refer to the API documentation on the Action API endpoint.