Brain regions

layer II of area 22rA22r2Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
r9 alar plater9AAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
medial septal nucleusMSSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
mantle zone of SpBMSpBMmAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
layer I of area LOLO1Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
median eminence, internal laminaMEinSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
interposed cerebellar nucleus, dorsolateral humpIntDLPaxinos & Franklin 2001 Mouse Brain Atlas
Agranular insular area, ventral part, layer 6bAIv6bAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
rubroreticular tract (>1840)rrtBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
paraventricular hypothalamic nucleusPaPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
caudal subdivision of medial nucleusMeCAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
paramedian nucleusPNparAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
paracentral lobule, caudal partPCLcAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
cranial nerves (Soemmerring, 1791)cranBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
ventricular zone of r2Limr2LimvAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
r2 part of principal trigeminal sensory nucleusr2Pr5Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
nucleus UUAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, intermediate partBSTLIPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
inferior occipital gyrusIOGAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
layer III of area M1lmM1lm3Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, posterior division, interfascicular nucleusBSTifAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
abducens nucleus (>1840)VIBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
group of noradrenergic neurons in ponsPnNAAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
longitudinal cerebral fissure (Gordon, 1815)lcfBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
mantle zone of SeDgSeDgmAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
lambdoid septal zoneLdAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
dorsal tegmental decussationdtgxPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
medial basal reticular formation of m1m1BRtAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
layer IV of area 22iA22i4Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
basolateral nucleus (basal nucleus)BLAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
VZ in subcallosal regionscVZAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
superficial stratum of r4BIr4BIsAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
nerve to inferior rectus (>1840)IIIirBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posteromedial partBSTMPMPaxinos & Franklin 2001 Mouse Brain Atlas
layer IVCa of area 17V1-4CaAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
olfactory tubercle, polymorph layerTuPoPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
intralaminar thalamic nuclei (>1840)ILMBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division, medial magnocellular partPVHmmAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
sellar diaphragm (>1840)sdBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
ventricular zone of StrSeStrSevAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
interpeduncular nucleus, rostral subnucleusIPrAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
r9 part of basomedial reticular formationr9BMRtAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
Interpeduncular nucleus, caudalIPCAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
declive (VI), sublobules a-dDECa-dSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
SP in dysgranular insular cortexiSPdgAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
SP in midinferior temporal cortextSPmiAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
Medulla, sensory relatedMY-senAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
central amygdalar nucleus, capsular partCEAcSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
r11 part of ventral parvicellular reticular formationr11VPCRtAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
posterior esophageal plexus (Haller, 1762)esppBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
Cochlear nucleus, subpedunclular granular regionCNspgAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
medial orbital cortexMOPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
ambiguus nucleus, loose partAmbLAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal partArcDPaxinos & Franklin 2001 Mouse Brain Atlas
layer IV of caudal dysgranular insular cortexCIdg4Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
medullary reticular nucleusMDRNSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
ventricular zone of r9Fr9FvAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
Entorhinal area, medial part, dorsal zone, layer 2aENTm2aAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
Parasubiculum, layer 2PAR2Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
mantle zone of SeStrSeStrmAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
Pontine central grayPCGAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
xiphoid thalamic nucleusXiPaxinos & Franklin 2001 Mouse Brain Atlas
extrinsic vesical plexus (>1840)evpBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
ventricular zone of r1Trr1TrvAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
mediodorsal nucleus thalamus, lateral partMDlSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
anterior commissureacPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, medial zonePVHpmmAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
layer VI of area 5mA5m6Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
central gray of the ponsCGPnPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
posteromedian thalamic nucleusPoMnPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
r10 part of basomedial reticular formationr10BMRtAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
shell part of DTgDTgSAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh (>1840)lctBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
facial nucleus, ventromedial subnucleus7VMPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
corticoid layer of TuStrTuStr2Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
layer I of area 29A29-1Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
Median eminenceMEAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
midbrain reticular nucleus retrorubral area (Berman, 1968)RRBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
facial nucleus, lateral subnucleus7LPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (areas 9 and 46)dlPFAllen Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas
ventral (liminal) part of the spinal alar plateSpAVAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
supraoculomotor capSu3CPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
Pallidum, ventral regionPALvAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
Retrosplenial area, lateral agranular part, layer 6bRSPagl6bAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
subparafascicular nucleus parvicellular part lateral division (>1840)SPFplBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
Fasciola cinereaFCAllen Mouse Brain Atlas
layer VI of area 7rA7r6Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas
periventricular stratum of ITThITThpAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
lateral part of MPOMPOLAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
cochlear nerve (Cotugno, 1760)cVIIInBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division, dorsal partBSTLDPaxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas
spinal lemniscus, midbrain portionsl-mAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
optic nerve (Vicq d’Azyr, 1786)IInBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral partAONlSwanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas
MZ in medial (posterior) entorhinal cortexMZmecAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
intermediate stratum of PrS (white matter/subplate)PrSiAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
superior rectal plexus (>1840)srplBrain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas
intermediate stratum of DgSeDgSeiAllen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas
spinovestibular tractspveAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas
periaqueductal gray substance, dorsolateral portionPAGDAllen Developing Human Brain Atlas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7128 129 12843 Brain regions

Brain regions

Brain regions are a type taxonomy defined by brain atlases. In BrainSTEM, brain regions are a shared model across users. New brain atlasses and therefore brain regions are added by the admin team. Please reach to us if you are missing a brain atlas that is publicly available, that you would like to have incorporated.

Brain Atlases

The following brain atlases are available in BrainSTEM:

  • Allen Mouse Brain Atlas: The Allen Mouse Brain Atlas is a genome-wide, three-dimensional map of gene expression throughout the adult mouse brain. The atlas comprises cellular resolution in situ hybridization images with comprehensive anatomic coverage that reveal where each gene is expressed in the mouse brain, as well as an integrated suite of powerful data search, visualization tools, and an annotated reference atlas. The atlas is based on wild type C57BL/6J mice.
  • Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas: The Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas is a detailed map of gene expression changes during the development of the brain. The atlas provides a framework to explore both when and where genes are activated in the mouse brain from embryo through adulthood. Informatics data processing enables both spatial search and temporal search. Developmental reference atlases provide additional context to interpret the data. Anatomic and temporal search locates enhanced gene expression in primary brain areas, and manual data annotation allows users to view curated summaries of gene expression in small structures.
  • Allen Human Brain Atlas: The Allen Human Brain Atlas is a unique multi-modal atlas that maps gene expression across the healthy human brain. Key features include an “all genes, all structures” RNA microarray survey that is spatially mapped to an MRI reference space, in situ hybridization image data at cellular resolution for selected genes in targeted brain regions, and an annotated human brain atlas guide. Additional data on selected neurological conditions are available in the Aging, Dementia, TBI Study and Ivy Glioblastoma Database.
  • Allen Developing Human Brain Atlas: The BrainSpan Atlas of the Developing Human Brain provides a broad and detailed anatomical analysis of gene expression across multiple stages of early human brain development. It includes in situ hybridization, RNA-sequencing, and microarray data, along with supporting neuroanatomical reference materials.
  • Allen Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas: The NIH Blueprint Non-Human Primate Atlas provides a developmental neuroanatomical framework for exploring the cellular and molecular architecture of the developing postnatal brain of the rhesus macaque.
  • Allen Spinal Column Atlas: The Allen Spinal Cord Atlas is a comprehensive, genome-wide map of gene expression throughout the healthy mouse spinal cord at ages p56 and p4. This resource details gene diversity in the normal spinal cord and provides an essential baseline for understanding how the spinal cord may be altered in disease or injury. The atlas includes image-based in situ hybridization data at cellular resolution for both juvenile (P4) and adult (P56) stages, with anatomic coverage across the full length of the spinal cord, and accompanying histological reference images.
  • Brain Maps 4.0 - Rat brain Atlas: An open access atlas with global nervous system nomenclature ontology and flatmaps. The fourth edition of Brain maps: structure of the rat brain is presented here as an open access internet resource for the neuroscience community. One new feature is a set of 10 hierarchical nomenclature tables that define and describe all parts of the rat nervous system within the framework of a strictly topographic system devised previously for the human nervous system.
  • Paxinos & Franklin 2001 Mouse Brain Atlas (Second edition): Brain Atlas by Paxinos & Franklin based on adult C57BL/J6 Mouse (weight range 26-30 g).
  • Paxinos & Watson 1997 Rat Brain Atlas (Third edition): Paxinos & Watson rat brain atlas based on adult male Wistar rats (weight range 270-310 g).
  • Swanson 2004 Rat Brain Atlas (Third edition): Rat brain atlas based on adult Sprague-Dawley rats.


  • Name: The name of the brain region (required).
  • Acronym: Acronym used for the brain region (required).
  • Description: A general description of the brain region.
  • Atlas: The brain atlas in which the brain region is defined. Options described above (required).


Once a new brain atlas has been implemented it becomes available to everyone.

API Access

The API allows for programmable access, enabling you to read entries through the API. For details about the fields and data structure, refer to the Brain region API endpoint documentation.