Collaborative Notebook for Neuroscience
Join BrainSTEM and streamline your lab's experimental data collection and analysis. Organize, collaborate, and share publicly with ease - all on our flexible platform. BrainSTEM is for the whole neuroscience community and is free to use.

We provide an electronic lab notebook with a customizable web interface built on a flexible data model that allows for the organization of experiments and raw data.
BrainSTEM (Brain STructured Experimental Metadata) is a collaborative electronic lab notebook for FAIR experimental neuroscience. It has a customizable web interface and a standardized yet flexible data model and is designed to capture a range of electrophysiology, imaging, and behavioral data. Granular permissions, including one-click public sharing, promote collaborations and open science. BrainSTEM is designed with ease of adoption and use as a primary consideration and facilitates compliance with NIH and other data-sharing requirements.
Discover what BrainSTEM can do for your lab
BrainSTEM can accelerate your science, promote collaboration, extend the lifetime of your data, and make FAIR data sharing easy.
Designed for ease of adoption and use. No technical know-how is needed.
BrainSTEM is built on a user-friendly web interface, with no need to run servers. Create an account and you are good to go.
A standardized yet, flexible, and extendable data model.
Built on standards that ensure that data will be understandable and interoperable, and flexible to adapt to individual researchers' preferences. It is designed to capture a wide range of data types and modalities: electrophysiology, imaging, and behavioral data collection. And it is built on a modular, standardized yet flexible data model that can be extended to describe novel types of data as well.
The interface can be customized to suit your needs.
Apply your preferred settings to the data, materials, and personnel of a particular lab or group to streamline the process of collecting and sharing metadata.
Granular access control enables collaboration within or across labs.
Projects can be used privately, in collaboration within and across labs, or shared publicly through a one-click solution. BrainSTEM further simplifies compliance with NIH and other data-sharing requirements.
Programmable access
An API provides coordination with Python, Matlab, and other analysis tools.
The API allows for programmable access with other toolsets, with API tools developed for Python and Matlab for easy adoption and implementation in data analysis and pipelines.
Organized data model for accuracy and easy access.
Relational structure to support sophisticated metadata searches and for efficient organization of experiments and raw data.
Become a pilot user
We are looking to get BrainSTEM into the hands of more researchers. If you believe in open science, and you are interested in helping us advance and shaping BrainSTEM, then join us as a pilot user.
The team behind BrainSTEM
BrainSTEM is developed and funded by the Oxytocin U19 Brain Initiative Grant 5U19NS107616, led by György Buzsáki, Moses V. Chao, Robert C. Froemke, Dayu Lin, Adam Mar, Alisa R. Surkis, Richard Tsien.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: