By created at
By Tags
- All
- screening
- 128-channel
- behavior
- quoin
- turtles
- Lore
- test
- tag_one
- test1
- Electrophysiology
- Learning and Memory
- Synaptic Plasticity
- yeah
- tet
- gg
- cool
- optoaccoustic
- nih
- human
- genomics
- oscillation
- Glomerular
- Optogenetic
- 2P imaging
- Chemogenetics
- sickness
- olfaction
- vision
- head-fixed
- units
- Dual folor fiberphotometric recording
- Wild Type
- OMP-ChR2
- mice
- Calcium Imaging
- fiberphotometry
- GRAB-ACh3.0
- Mapping
- Cell Mapping
- Memory
- loose cable
- mouse nervous
- Behavioral time-scale synaptic plasticity
- Saccade control
- Filmfest
- 100 odors
- singingmouse
- hippocampus
- siliconeprobe
- -
By Project
- All
- Peters NYU demo project
- interaction of acetylcholine and oxytocin neuromodulation in the hippocampus
- Lore's first project
- Metal microdrive and head cap system for silicon probe recovery in freely moving rodent
- Allen Institute: Visual Coding – Neuropixels
- Nick Steinmetz Neuropixel data
- Fluctuation-driven regime in spinal motor networks
- Layer-specific physiological features and interlaminar interactions in the primary visual cortex of the mouse
- Physiological Properties and Behavioral Correlates of Hippocampal Granule Cells and Mossy Cells
- CRCNS Frontal cortex: fcx-1
- CRCNS Thalamus: th-1
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-14
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-11
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-5
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-4
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-3
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-2
- CRCNS Hippocampus: hc-1
- Theta rhythm perturbation by focal cooling of the septal pacemaker in awake rats
By Datasets
- All
- New dataset 1236567576
- Peters dataset 2
- YZ_dataset
- Peters dataset 1
- session_798911424
- Copy of Quoin Dataset #3
- Rat08-20130715
- Quoin Dataset #3
- DC_R07_20200703
- DC_M01_20201006
- session_829720705
- session_797828357
- session_791319847
- session_847657808
- session_840012044
- session_839557629
- session_831882777
- session_839068429
- session_794812542
- session_793224716
- session_761418226
- session_760693773
- session_835479236
- session_821695405
- session_819701982
- session_819186360
- session_816200189
- session_799864342
- session_771990200
- session_766640955
- session_754312389
- session_762120172
- session_786091066
- session_781842082
- session_779839471
- session_778998620
- session_789848216
- session_787025148
- session_778240327
- session_774875821
- session_773418906
- session_771160300
- session_768515987
- session_767871931
- session_763673393
- session_762602078
- session_760345702
- session_759883607
- session_758798717
- session_757970808
- session_757216464
- session_756029989
- session_755434585
- session_754829445
- session_751348571
- session_750749662
- session_750332458
- session_746083955
- session_744228101
- session_743475441
- session_742951821
- session_739448407
- Theiler_2017-10-11
- Tatum_2017-12-09
- Tatum_2017-12-08
- Tatum_2017-12-07
- Tatum_2017-12-06
- Richards_2017-11-02
- Richards_2017-11-01
- Richards_2017-10-31
- Richards_2017-10-30
- Richards_2017-10-29
- Radnitz_2017-01-12
- Radnitz_2017-01-11
- Radnitz_2017-01-10
- Radnitz_2017-01-09
- Radnitz_2017-01-08
- Muller_2017-01-09
- Muller_2017-01-08
- Muller_2017-01-07
- Moniz_2017-05-18
- Moniz_2017-05-16
- Moniz_2017-05-15
- Lederberg_2017-12-11
- Lederberg_2017-12-10
- Lederberg_2017-12-09
- Lederberg_2017-12-08
- Lederberg_2017-12-07
- Lederberg_2017-12-06
- Lederberg_2017-12-05
- Hench_2017-06-18
- Hench_2017-06-17
- Hench_2017-06-16
- Hench_2017-06-15
- Forssmann_2017-11-05
- Forssmann_2017-11-04
- Forssmann_2017-11-02
- Forssmann_2017-11-01
- Cori_2016-12-18
- Cori_2016-12-17
- Cori_2016-12-14
- session_737581020
- session_732592105
- session_721123822
- session_719161530
- session_715093703
- Hopkins_20160722_g0_t0
- Peter_MS21_180717
- Gatsby_08282013
- Gatsby_08022013
- Cicero_09172014
- Cicero_09102014
- Cicero_09012014
- Buddy_06272013
- Achilles_11012013
- Achilles_10252013
- Rat09-20140409
- Rat09-20140408
- Rat09-20140407
- Rat09-20140405
- Rat09-20140404
- Rat09-20140403
- Rat09-20140402
- Rat09-20140401
- Rat09-20140331
- Rat09-20140329
- Rat09-20140328
- Rat09-20140327
- Rat09-20140326
- Rat09-20140325
- Rat09-20140324
- Rat08-20130722
- Rat08-20130720
- Rat08-20130719
- Rat08-20130718
- Rat08-20130717
- Rat08-20130716
- Peter_MS10_170310_175025_concat
- Peter_MS10_170308_203935_concat
- Peter_MS12_170711_101630_concat
- Peter_MS12_170712_101120_concat
- Peter_MS13_171121_112247_concat
- Peter_MS13_171122_113513_concat
- Peter_MS13_171126_125404_concat
- Peter_MS13_171204_102904_concat
- Peter_MS13_171205_110831_concat
- Peter_MS13_171206_132039_concat
- Peter_MS23_190822_093044
- Peter_MS23_190820_173321
- Peter_MS10_170320_212321_concat
- Peter_MS10_170321_164406_concat
- Peter_MS10_170323_173246
- Peter_MS12_170723_141121_concat
- Peter_MS12_170720_093528_concat
- Peter_MS12_170719_095305_concat
- Peter_MS12_170718_101720_concat
- Peter_MS12_170713_093400_concat
- Peter_MS12_170709_173517_concat
- Peter_MS12_170708_203037_concat
- Peter_MS10_170311_180956_concat
- Peter_MS10_170313_122631_concat
- Peter_MS10_170316_160631_concat
- Peter_MS14_180206_113123_concat
- Peter_MS14_180205_162722_concat
- Peter_MS14_180120_123442_concat
- Peter_MS14_180119_125913_concat
- Peter_MS14_180121_160019_concat
- Peter_MS14_180118_123207_concat
- Peter_MS18_180520_154402_concat
- Peter_MS22_180730_112036_concat
- Peter_MS22_180724_144421_concat
- Peter_MS22_180720_110055_concat
- Peter_MS22_180712_102504_concat
- Peter_MS22_180711_112912_concat
- Peter_MS22_180627_114856_concat
- Peter_MS22_180626_110916_concat
- Peter_MS22_180625_162932_concat
- Peter_MS22_180623_170141_concat
- Peter_MS22_180623_174432_concat
- Peter_MS21_180730_120605_concat
- Peter_MS21_180719_122733_concat
- Peter_MS21_180628_155921_concat
- Peter_MS21_180626_211024_concat
- Peter_MS13_171201_130527_concat
- Peter_MS13_171128_113924_concat
- Peter_MS13_171127_133330_concat
- Peter_MS13_171118_112835_concat
- Peter_MS13_171110_163224_concat
- Peter_MS13_171108_161742
- Rat08-20130713
- Rat08-20130712
- Rat08-20130711
- Rat08-20130710
- PeterP-2014-03-27
- PeterP-2014-02-27
- PeterP-2013-10-10
- PeterP-2013-09-03
- Rat08-20130709
- Peter_MS12_170717_111614_concat
- Peter_MS12_170716_172307_concat
- Rat08-20130708
- Peter_MS10_170319_180352_concat
- Peter_MS10_170306_125503_concat
- Peter_MS10_170315_123936
- Peter_MS10_170307_154746_concat
- YMV19_180209
- YMV18_180208
- YMV17_180207
- YMV16_180206
- YMV15_180205
- YMV14_180128
- YMV13_180127
- YMV12_171211
- YMV11_171208
- YMV10_171213
- YMV09_171204
- YMV08_170922
- YMV07_170914
- YMV06_170913
- YMV05_170912
- YMV04_170907
- YMV03_170818
- YMV02_170815
- YMV01_170818
- Peter_MS13_171130_121758_concat
- Peter_MS13_171129_105507_concat
- Peter_MS12_170715_111545_concat
- Peter_MS12_170714_122034_concat
- Peter_MS10_170317_153237_concat
- Peter_MS22_180719_122813_concat
- Peter_MS18_180519_120300_concat
- PeterP-2013-09-04
- Peter_MS14_180122_163606_concat
- Peter_MS21_180627_143449_concat
- Peter_MS21_180719_155941_concat
- Peter_MS22_180628_120341_concat
- Peter_MS10_170314_163038
- Peter_MS21_180629_110332_concat
- Peter_MS21_180718_103455_concat
- Peter_MS18_180507_133318_concat
- Peter_MS18_180509_161611
- Peter_MS18_180510_163745
- Peter_MS21_180808_115125_concat
- Peter_MS21_180809_132637
- Peter_MS21_180807_122213_concat
- Peter_MS22_180627_161243
- Peter_MS22_180627_172043
- Peter_MS21_180730_124419
- Peter_MS21_180730_120605
- Peter_MS21_180802_160846
- Peter_MS21_180802_153052
- Peter_MS21_180802_120147_concat
- Peter_MS21_180803_165853
- Peter_MS21_180803_162930
- Peter_MS21_180803_142301_concat
- Peter_MS21_180806_111316_concat
- Peter_MS22_180623_170141
- Peter_MS22_180625_172612
- Peter_MS22_180625_162932
- Peter_MS22_180624_170700
- Peter_MS22_180624_132110
- Peter_MS22_180622_115734_concat
- Peter_MS22_180623_174432
- Peter_MS18_180511_103826
- Peter_MS18_180521_171559
- Peter_MS18_180528_102248_concat
- Peter_MS18_180529_152631
- Peter_MS18_180530_141011
- Peter_MS22_180621_131028
- Peter_MS22_180620_151052
- Peter_MS21_180620_122104
- Peter_MS22_180713_130026
- Peter_MS22_180713_185842
- Peter_MS22_180713_140431
- Peter_MS21_180719_122733
- Peter_MS22_180719_122813
- Peter_MS18_180531_162128
- Peter_MS22_180718_121906_concat
- Peter_MS22_180625_212516
- Peter_MS22_180629_110319_concat
- Peter_MS22_180714_222731
- Peter_MS22_180718_102924_concat
- Peter_MS22_180724_165919
- Peter_MS22_180724_144421
- Peter_MS21_180724_181413
- Peter_MS21_180724_173521
- Peter_MS21_180724_144402_concat
- Peter_MS22_180723_124126
- Peter_MS22_180723_172749
- Peter_MS21_180723_162125
- Peter_MS21_180723_124142
- Peter_MS22_180720_172412
- Peter_MS22_180720_165044
- Peter_MS22_180720_110055
- Peter_MS21_180720_164307
- Peter_MS21_180720_151557
- Peter_MS21_180720_110037_concat
- Peter_MS22_180718_180748
- Peter_MS22_180718_102924
- Peter_MS21_180718_133915
- Peter_MS21_180718_121239
- Peter_MS21_180718_110319
- Peter_MS21_180718_153245
- Peter_MS21_180718_131828
- Peter_MS21_180718_130420
- Peter_MS21_180718_113819
- Peter_MS21_180718_103455
- Peter_MS22_180717_224725
- Peter_MS21_180717_234514
- Peter_MS21_180716_215247
- Peter_MS22_180716_160356
- Peter_MS22_180716_153913
- Peter_MS22_180716_131739
- Peter_MS22_180716_130201
- Peter_MS22_180716_115717
- Peter_MS21_180712_134531
- Peter_MS22_180715_233356
- Peter_MS21_180716_005050
- Peter_MS21_180714_232423
- Peter_MS21_180713_181246
- Peter_MS21_180713_125809
- Peter_MS21_180713_121608
- Peter_MS22_180712_173536
- Peter_MS22_180712_134147
- Peter_MS22_180712_125606
- Peter_MS22_180712_155320
- Peter_MS21_180712_162828
- Peter_MS21_180712_142832
- Peter_MS21_180712_103200_concat
- Peter_MS22_180711_162825
- Peter_MS22_180711_155320
- Peter_MS22_180711_132950
- Peter_MS22_180711_124936
- Peter_MS22_180711_112912
- Peter_MS21_180711_155404
- Peter_MS21_180711_141131
- Peter_MS21_180711_133056
- Peter_MS21_180711_112927_concat
- Peter_MS22_180710_174107
- Peter_MS22_180710_144740
- Peter_MS21_180710_165955
- Peter_MS21_180710_141831
- Peter_MS21_180709_161831
- Peter_MS22_180709_165928
- Peter_MS22_180709_161748
- Peter_MS22_180629_172232
- Peter_MS22_180629_155402
- Peter_MS22_180629_152220
- Peter_MS22_180629_130231
- Peter_MS22_180629_110319
- Peter_MS21_180629_163113
- Peter_MS21_180629_145128
- Peter_MS21_180629_134641
- Peter_MS21_180629_131157
- Peter_MS21_180629_110332
- Peter_MS22_180628_171628
- Peter_MS22_180628_155843
- Peter_MS22_180628_145716
- Peter_MS22_180628_120341
- Peter_MS21_180628_173009
- Peter_MS21_180628_163508
- Peter_MS21_180628_155921
- Peter_MS21_180628_145211
- Peter_MS21_180628_120538
- Peter_MS22_180627_151520
- Peter_MS22_180627_143340
- Peter_MS22_180627_114856
- Peter_MS21_180627_172352
- Peter_MS21_180627_161310
- Peter_MS21_180627_151813
- Peter_MS21_180627_143449
- Peter_MS21_180627_105730
- Peter_MS22_180626_195938
- Peter_MS21_180626_211024
- Peter_MS21_180626_214340
- Peter_MS21_180626_111244
- Peter_MS21_180716_115359
- Peter_MS21_180716_143511_concat
- Peter_MS21_180730_011250
- Peter_MS21_180625_221916_concat
- Peter_MS21_180625_172457
- Peter_MS21_180625_161454
- Peter_MS21_180625_153927_concat
- Peter_MS21_180624_173723
- Peter_MS21_180621_141817
- Peter_MS22_180622_173754
- Peter_MS21_180622_174411
- Peter_MS22_180626_110916
- Peter_MS21_180624_121753
- Peter_MS21_180623_174152
- Peter_MS21_180623_170717_concat
- Peter_MS21_180624_153718