Sensory stimulus types

AuditoryAuditory cue
ElectricalElectrical cue
NoneNo cue
OdorOdor cue
TactileTactile cue
TasteTaste cue
VisualVisual cue

8 sensory stimulus types

Sensory stimulus types

Sensory stimulus types covers any sensory modulation subjected to a subject in a behavioral paradigm, including auditory, visual, tactile, odor, and thermal stimulation.

Submission process

Anyone can submit Sensory stimulus types or submit changes to existing ones, but all submissions must be approved before they are available for usage. Please see existing entries for examples as to what to submit.


  • Name: The name of the sensory type (required; must be unique).
  • Description: A general description of the sensory stimulus type (required).


Once a entry has been approved it becomes available to everyone.

API Access

The API allows for programmable access, enabling you to read, edit, and delete entries through the API. For details about the fields and data structure, refer to the Sensory stimulus type API endpoint documentation.