Setup types

Barnes mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe Barnes maze is a paradigm to study spatial learning and memory. It consists of a circular table with holes around the circumference.
Cheeseboard mazeFreely Moving AwakeA circular disk maze with drilled holes in the maze for hidden rewards
Circular trackFreely Moving AwakeA circular maze that only allows the animal to run in a circular fashion.
Elevated plus mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe elevated plus maze is a well-characterized behavioral paradigm, one of the most used tests for anxiety research
Elevated zero mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe elevated zero maze is very similar to the elevated plus maze, but lacks a center square. Gives an indication of anxiety versus exploration.
Figure eight mazeFreely Moving AwakeA figure-8 maze where the animal can run along a outer square shared track and further along a centerline as well, which connects the outer track.
Head-fixed discHead-Fixed AwakeAnimal is head-fixed and positioned on a horizontal freely moving disc. The animal can spin the disk.
HomecageFreely Moving AwakeThe homecage belonging to the animal.
Linear trackFreely Moving AwakeA simple linear track which only allows the animal to run back and forth along a linear trajectory.
Morris water mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe Morris water maze task is a popular and well-validated test for spatial learning: most-used behavioral test in neuroscience research
Open field environmentFreely Moving AwakeAn open field environment without walls typically raised above the floor.
OtherUnknownThis entry can be used temporarily when an option is missing allowing you to continue your work while an entry is being approved.
Radial arm mazeFreely Moving AwakeA simple homemade eight-arm radial arm maze with sidewalls to prevent interarm traverses The radial arm maze was designed by Olton and Samuelson in 1976 to measure spatial learning and memory in rats.[1] The original apparatus consists of eight equidistantly spaced arms, each about 4 feet long, and all radiating from a small circular central platform (later versions have used as few as three[2] and as many as 48 arms[3]). At the end of each arm there is a food site, the contents of which are not visible from the central platform.
Running wheelFreely Moving AwakeA running wheel. The wheel can have another simple environment connecting to the wheel.
SleepboxFreely Moving AwakeA sleepbox is a box, with sound and visual isolation from the outside surroundings. It isolates the animal from outside sound- and visual distractions. The animal will typically be located in its homecage inside the sleep box.
square_cageFreely Moving AwakeIt's like a home cage, but with fresh bedding and pellets to eat
Surgical tableAnesthetized In VivoSetup for performing surgical procedures while the animal is under anesthesia
Theta mazeFreely Moving AwakeA circular maze with a central arm going across the center of the circle.
T-mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe T-maze task is an investigation of spatial learning and memory. Subsequently, reversal learning or retention can be investigated.
Y-mazeFreely Moving AwakeThe Y-maze is, similar to the T-maze, a test to investigate spatial learning and memory. Specifically designed for testing rats or mice.

20 setup types

Setup types

Setup types are broad sets of agreed upon classifications of setups and also serves as a foundation for behavioral paradigms. In BrainSTEM, setup types are a shared model across users. Behavioral paradigm are linked to a specific setup type, so that that paradigm is defined within that type of setup.

Categories of setups:

  • In Vitro: Focuses on isolated cells or tissues maintained outside of a living organism. It offers maximal experimental control and mechanistic clarity but lacks natural systemic context.
  • Ex Vivo: Involves intact or semi-intact tissue preparations retaining some network-level organization. Balances controllability with partial network complexity, bridging the gap between single cells and whole organisms.
  • Anesthetized In Vivo: A living subject under anesthesia, allowing for controlled interventions and stable physiological conditions. Ideal for surgical procedures (e.g., implanting electrodes, optical fibers) and stable, artifact-free recordings.
  • Head-Fixed Awake: The subject is awake but head-restrained, enabling stable recordings and controlled stimuli while preserving aspects of natural sensory and cognitive processing.
  • Voluntarily Stationary Awake: The subject is awake and alert but chooses to remain still without physical restraint. Typically employed with non-invasive measurement techniques such as external imaging or surface-level recordings. It enables the investigation of cognitive, sensory, and behavioral processes under more naturalistic conditions than head fixation while avoiding the invasiveness of surgical interventions.
  • Freely Moving Awake: It allows the subject to engage in a full range of natural behaviors, often after implantations, which are performed in a separate anesthetized session. This captures the complexity of behavioral and ecological validity at the cost of reduced environmental control.

Submission process

Anyone can submit setup types or submit changes to existing ones, but all submissions must be approved before they are available for usage. Please see existing entries for examples as to what to submit.


  • Name: The name of the setup type (required; must be unique).
  • Category: Category of the setup (required).
  • Description: A general description of the setup type.


Once a entry has been approved it becomes available to everyone.

API Access

The API allows for programmable access, enabling you to read, edit, and delete entries through the API. For details about the fields and data structure, refer to the Setup type API endpoint documentation.