
Lore's first publication
Cholinergic suppression of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples impairs working memory
Preexisting hippocampal network dynamics constrain optogenetically induced place fields
Artifact-free and high-temporal-resolution in vivo opto-electrophysiology with microLED optoelectrodes
The Brain–Cognitive Behavior Problem: A Retrospective
Mechanisms and plasticity of chemogenically induced interneuronal suppression of principal cells
Routing of hippocampal ripples to subcortical structures via the lateral septum
Subcircuits of deep and superficial CA1 place cells support efficient spatial coding across heterogeneous environments
Sleep down state-active ID2/Nkx2.1 interneurons in the neocortex
Propagation of hippocampal ripples to the neocortex by way of a subiculum-retrosplenial pathway
Variable specificity of memory trace reactivation during hippocampal sharp wave ripples
Cooling of Medial Septum Reveals Theta Phase Lag Coordination of Hippocampal Cell Assemblies
Position–theta-phase model of hippocampal place cell activity applied to quantification of running speed modulation of firing rate
Routing of Hippocampal Ripples to Subcortical Structures via the Lateral Septum
Closed-loop acoustic stimulation enhances sleep oscillations but not memory performance
Evolution of thought and emotion
Utility of the Idling Brain: Abstraction of New Knowledge
Layer-specific physiological features and interlaminar interactions in the primary visual cortex of the mouse
NREM sleep in the rodent neocortex and hippocampus reflects excitable dynamics
Long-duration Hippocampal Sharp Wave Ripples Improve Memory
Transformation of a Spatial Map across the Hippocampal-Lateral Septal Circuit
Dual color optogenetic control of neural populations using low-noise, multishank optoelectrodes
Space and Time: The Hippocampus as a Sequence Generator
Cocaine Place Conditioning Strengthens Location-Specific Hippocampal Coupling to the Nucleus Accumbens

24 publications


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